Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Weigh In Wednesday

Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans

It's that time again! A new challenge has been given at The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans. I am on a team with five other lovely shrinkers and the goal is to lose the most weight as a whole. I have been on hiatus from my food journal for the past couple of weeks, so it is time to get kicked back into gear.

Here are my stats:
Starting weight: 162.4 pounds

This is the ending weight from the last challenge, so I am glad to say I have maintained despite some chocolate that I had to review for my other blog and a perfect storm of PMS/Home Buying Stress/MIL fighting that started a three-day binge.

Right off the bat my first goal for this challenge is to not eat in my pantry. If I can't take the time to put my food on a plate, I should not eat it. I will also avoid the mini doughnuts at the fair this weekend, Girl Guide's Honour.

Hello team mates!
Kristen Q.
Jess B.
Cristina S.
Lindsey S.
Megan T.

Do any of you have blogs I can link to?


  1. Yes ma'am! My blog is! I am very excited about our challenge :)

  2. Hi there! I've got one as well:

  3. Good luck this challenge!!

  4. Anonymous10:02 pm

    Good luck in the challenge!

  5. Oh, I just noticed I'd neglected to come over here and remind you YOU'RE GOIN' DOWN, Sistah.

